
Anuncian en Italia la primera pieza cerámica del mundo fabricada con hidrógeno verde y gas natural / Iris Ceramica group and Edison Next announce the world’s first ceramic slab using a blend of green hydrogen and natural gas

12.07.2024 09:29

El fabricante Iris Ceramica Group y Edison Next, empresa técnica especializada en descarbonización y transición ecológica, han anunciado «la producción de la primera pieza de cerámica técnica 4D del mundo utilizando una mezcla de hidrógeno verde, obtenida mediante energía renovable, y gas natural».

Tal y como han recalcado fuentes de Edison Next, la pieza fabricada mide 3.2 metros de largo, 1.6 metros de ancho y 12 mm de grosor, y destaca por sus «cuatro dimensiones». Además de la tridimensionalidad del material «encontramos la cuarta dimensión: la sostenibilidad».

Este avance técnico se ha desarrollado en la Fábrica H2, la nueva planta en Castellarano (Reggio Emilia), finalizada en 2023 y ya equipada con las tecnologías e infraestructuras innovadoras necesarias para utilizar hidrógeno verde al 100%.

El proceso industrial que se está desarrollando en Castellarano es el primer resultado concreto «en el proceso de descarbonización de la industria cerámica en el que Iris Ceramica Group y Edison Next están trabajando conjuntamente. Tras esta fase inicial, la Fábrica H2 será alimentada con mayores porcentajes de hidrógeno verde», indican.

Objetivo de cero emisiones netas

«El inicio de esta fase es un paso concreto hacia el objetivo de cero emisiones netas para un sector industrial particularmente intensivo en energía como el de la cerámica. Al combinar tecnologías e innovación, junto con habilidades y determinación, podemos lograr grandes resultados incluso en campos donde este desafío es difícil, ya que requiere recalcular todo el proceso de producción y usar tecnologías más avanzadas como el hidrógeno», apunta Giovanni Brianza, CEO de Edison Next.

«Este hito marca un logro importante de nuestro compromiso con la descarbonización del sector cerámico. Este es un proyecto único y pionero de alcance mundial que ofrece nuevas perspectivas», explica Federica Minozzi, CEO de Iris Ceramica Group.

«La fase de prueba nos ayudará a afinar el proceso de producción, antes de pasar a la siguiente fase, que nos permitirá aumentar el porcentaje de hidrógeno verde cada vez más, hasta el 50% con el sistema de producción a medida que Edison Next está desarrollando para nosotros. Esta es una sinergia muy valiosa, y estamos orgullosos de este logro, ya que es el resultado del trabajo en equipo dentro de toda la cadena de suministro», finaliza Federica Minozzi.

Se han completado varias actividades preparatorias para lanzar esta primera fase: las obras civiles para preparar el área, la instalación de la unidad de mezcla, que es el sistema que mezcla el gas natural con el hidrógeno verde, y todas las conexiones requeridas entre los diferentes equipos. Además, se ha instalado un sistema fotovoltaico de 1.3 MWp, además de la planta existente de 2.5 MWp.

La planta piloto de producción de H2, operativa desde mayo de este año para la fase de prueba, incluye dos electrolizadores temporales con una potencia total de 120 KW, alimentados por energía renovable. Los dos electrolizadores pueden producir hasta 20 metros cúbicos de hidrógeno verde por hora, alimentando el nuevo horno de última generación de SACMI «preparado para hidrógeno» con una mezcla de hidrógeno verde de hasta alrededor del 7%. «Este porcentaje aumentará una vez se instale la planta final», reseñan desde Edison Next.

Iris Ceramica Group and Edison Next, a company in the Edison Group that supports customers along their decarbonization journey and ecological transition, announce the production of the world’s first 4D technical ceramic slab using a blend of green hydrogen – hydrogen obtained using renewable energy – and natural gas.

Specifically, the slab produced is 3.2 metres long, 1.6 metres wide and 12 mm thick, and stands out for its four dimensions – thus the name 4D Ceramics - in which, in addition to the three-dimensionality of the material and its grains, crossing the whole thickness of the slab, we find the fourth dimension: sustainability.

The production site is the H2 Factory, the new plant in Castellarano, Reggio Emilia – completed in 2023 – and already equipped with the innovative technologies and infrastructures needed to use 100% green hydrogen.

The industrial process being developed in Castellarano is the first concrete result in the process of decarbonising the ceramics industry that Iris Ceramica Group and Edison Next are working on jointly. After this initial phase, the H2 Factory will be powered by higher percentages of green hydrogen produced in a cutting-edge, bespoke plant already designed and being implemented by Edison Next.

The start of this phase is a concrete step towards net zero for a particularly energy-intensive industrial sector like ceramics. This is the proof that, by putting technologies and innovation into play alongside skill and determination, we can achieve major results even in fields where this challenge is tough, as it demands the rethinking of the whole production process and the use of more forward-looking technologies like hydrogen,” Giovanni Brianza, CEO of Edison Next, states. “We are proud to be working with one of the top names in Italian manufacturing on this pioneering initiative, not only for the whole sector but also for the country, supporting a new industrial culture that focuses on sustainability. This is not only an opportunity for positive change but also a tool for increasing competitiveness in the reference markets.”

“Today marks a major achievement, yet another tangible fact that bears witness to our commitment to decarbonising the ceramics sector. A unique and pioneering project with world-wide scope that offers new prospects for hard-to-abate manufacturing, showing that it can be done,” Federica Minozzi, CEO of Iris Ceramica Group, explains. “The test phase will help us to fine tune the production process, before moving on to the next phase, which will allow us to increase the percentage of green hydrogen more and more, up to 50% with the bespoke production system that Edison Next is creating for us. This is a highly valuable partnership, and we are proud of this achievement, the result of team work within the whole supply chain and a virtuous example of integrated sustainability. We hope that other companies will follow our path, so that we can work as a system and become a driver of change, both nationally and beyond,” Federica Minozzi concludes.

Several preparatory activities have been completed in order to launch this first phase: the civil works to prepare the area, the installation of the blending unit, which is the system that mixes the natural gas with the green hydrogen, and all the connections required between the different equipment. Furthermore, a 1.3 MWp (1) photovoltaic system has been installed, in addition to the existing 2.5 MWp plant.

In particular, the H2 pilot production plant, in operation since May 2024 for the test phase, includes two temporary electrolysers with a total power of 120 KW, powered by renewable energy. The two electrolysers, installed in a container, can produce up to 20 cubic metres of green hydrogen per hour, powering the new, latest-generation “hydrogen ready” kiln by SACMI with a blend of green hydrogen up to around 7%; this percentage will increase once the final plant is installed.

The aim of this first phase is to study the use of the technology for the production of ceramic slabs using green hydrogen and, at the same time, verify the behaviour of the material during the firing phase, in order to be able to industrialise the production with green hydrogen with the certainty of assuring the technical and aesthetic excellence and quality that Iris Ceramica Group has always guaranteed. 4D Ceramics, the material produced at the H2 Factory, represents the jewel in the Group’s crown, expressing all the beauty and nobility of this natural material, used to serve the high-end furnishing market. In parallel to the test phase, in the coming months Edison Next will start all the activities required to install the final system, a plant producing green hydrogen through electrolysis with a capacity of 1 MW and able to produce around 132 tonnes of green hydrogen a year, which will be used to power the kiln with a blend of methane and green hydrogen up to around 50%. The blend will immediately replace around 500,000 cubic metres of natural gas per year, avoiding around 900 tonnes a year of atmospheric emissions of CO2.