
Cersaie 2023 mostrará sus cuatro décadas de diseño en la exposición Route 40

Desde la organización del evento reseñan que «este no es un ejercicio nostálgico, sino una demostración del papel clave de la feria en los últimos 40 años

18.07.2023 17:21

Con motivo de la 40ª edición de Cersaie, la feria internacional cerámica de Bolonia ha preparado un interesante recorrido expositivo que reflejará de forma atractiva y visual la evolución de estas cuatro décadas de andadura en la que han convivido diseño, tecnología, productos de vanguardia y firmas innovadoras.

La denominada Route 40 conducirá a los visitantes a través de los momentos decisivos de estas cuatro décadas de la feria, destacando los grandes cambios que han marcado el devenir del sector cerámico. Route 40, con Davide Vercelli como comisario y diseño de Dario Curatolo, se desarrollará a lo largo de BolognaFiere, con inicio en el conocido Quadriportico y con continuación en los Pabellones 21-22, 25-26 y en el Mall del Pabellón 37 con exposiciones que cuentan la historia de cada década.

Desde la organización del evento reseñan que «este no es un ejercicio nostálgico, sino una demostración del papel clave de Cersaie a la hora de proponer productos de vanguardia y orientar el mercado y el diseño, convirtiéndose a lo largo de las décadas en una plataforma cultural capaz de informar e influir en todos los profesionales».

Cersaie owes its great success to its being the place where creativity takes shape, where innovation and anticipation turn into events and products; a multidisciplinary and multicultural place where surfaces and products for tomorrow’s ideal habitat are imagined, designed and presented.

On their stands, companies display their products in such a way to create a vision of a holistic design solution, combining outdoor and indoor spaces to create an environment that respects the needs of people and nature, in which specialists illustrate the stylistic features of the different collections and share their know-how on new materials.

In this setting, prominent architectural firms interact with the public by presenting their vision and explaining the origin of their designs. In the conference area, they analyse how architecture can improve social surroundings.

Cersaie is also the place where over the past forty years the countless facets of design have been shown in an unusual and entertaining way: just think of the fashion show of clothes made from tiles in the early 1980s, the playful seating of ‘Sit down, please’, the use of ceramics in the ‘Cer Sea’ bathing establishment idea or the visionary train of ‘Cer-Stile’, to name just a few examples.

To mark the 40th edition of Cersaie, the exhibition space will feature a fascinating route reliving 40 years of its evolution, focusing on design, technology, products and companies that have made history. Route 40 takes the visitor through the defining moments of these four decades, illustrating the major changes that have taken place in culture, society, design and production. Curated by Davide Vercelli and designed by Dario Curatolo, Route 40 will wind its way through the halls of Cersaie, starting from the Quadriportico - the starting point and conceptual link in this fascinating tale - and will continue in Gallery 21-22, 25-26 and in the Mall of Hall 37 with displays narrating each decade. This itinerary is not intended as a nostalgic experience, but a demonstration of Cersaie’s key role in proposing avant-garde products and steering the market and ceramic design, becoming over the decades a cultural platform for informing and influencing all trade professionals.