
Fechas oficiales de Tecna 2022, la feria heredera de Tecnargilla / Official dates of Tecna 2022, the international fair of ceramic machinery

El certamen no abre sus puertas desde el año 2018, ya que en 2020 la muestra de Rímini no pudo desarrollarse debido a la pandemia mundial de coronavirus. / The event has not opened its doors since 2018, due to the fact that in 2020 the Rimini exhibition could not take place due to the global coronavirus pandemic.

04.10.2021 10:23

El Periódico del Azulejo ha tenido acceso a las fechas oficiales de la próxima edición de Tecna, la nueva denominación comercial de la tradicional convocatoria de Tecnargilla. El certamen especializado en tecnología y equipamiento para la industria cerámica, que se desarrolla cada dos años en coincidencia con Cersaie, abrirá sus puertas entre el 27 y el 30 de septiembre de 2022.

Hay que recordar que el certamen no abre sus puertas desde el año 2018, ya que en 2020 la muestra de Rímini no pudo desarrollarse debido a la pandemia mundial de coronavirus.

El Periódico del Azulejo anticipates the official dates of the next edition of Tecna, the new commercial name of the traditional Tecnargilla event. The event specialized in technology and equipment for the ceramic industry, which takes place every two years in conjunction with Cersaie, will open its doors between September 27 and 30, 2022. The international fair has not opened its doors since 2018, because the Rimini exhibition could not take place in 2020 due to the global coronavirus pandemic.

An international marketplace in the heart of the most creative, innovative and technological country for surfaces in the world. Organised by Acimac (Association of Italian Manufacturers of Machinery and Equipment for Ceramics) and IEG - Italian Exhibition Group, the exhibition offers the best of innovation in aesthetics and processes for the sector every two years.

The international companies which partecipate at Tecna have created the most efficient and sustainable factories in the world. They have revolutionised their production processes and the range of end user applications with the creation of enormous cut-to-size slabs. They have focused on digital technologies and robotics, becoming the global reference for innovation and technology.

A single exhibition to design the future of surfaces.The main focus of Tecna are seven:

Digitalisation: solutions and software for the digitalisation of factories and the evolution of production processes

Raw Materials: preparing raw materials and products for installation

Decoration: conventional and digital decoration systems

Finishing: finishing and cutting large and extra-large sizes

Handling&Packaging: Internal handling and packaging solutions

Logistic&Transportation: all the most innovative requirements to resolve logistics problems

Green Solutions: reducing polluting emissions,fumes, waste water and other industrial waste. Renewable Energy, co-generation