
Cersaie 2024 anuncia sus dos novedades para la edición de septiembre / The physical spaces devoted to architectural design at Cersaie 2024

El certamen internacional continúa su expansión y sumará más espacio comercial en la convocatoria que se celebrará entre el 23 y el 27 de septiembre en Bolonia (Italia) / The international fair continues its expansion and will add more commercial space in the event to be held between September 23 and 27 in Bologna, Italy.

09.05.2024 11:41

La próxima edición de Cersaie, que se celebrará entre el 23 y el 27 de septiembre en Bolonia (Italia), contará con una importante novedad. Tal y como ha comunicado la organización del evento, la muestra continúa creciendo en superficie comercial y, «en respuesta a la creciente demanda de espacio por parte de empresas de cerámica y equipamiento para el baño, Cersaie 2024 incluirá un 16º pabellón».

Desde Cersaie indican que «esta expansión subraya el estatus internacional del evento y proporcionará a los visitantes nuevas oportunidades para conocer innovaciones en el campo de los recubrimientos cerámicos y el mobiliario de baño».

Otra de las novedades de Cersaie 2024 será el denominado Spazio 19, un área dentro del Pabellón 19 que incluirá expositores vinculados con el equipamiento de cocinas, iluminación, domótica,wellness y revestimientos no cerámicos, entre otros subsectores.

Por su parte, la convocatoria internacional mantiene como una de sus propuestas divulgativas la Galería de Arquitectura, que acogerá como es costumbre una serie de conferencias con figuras internacionales y conferencias magistrales. Asimismo, el Pabellón 32 continuará siendo el punto donde se celebre Tiling Town (la Ciudad de la Colocación), el lugar para las demostraciones en vivo a cargo de los instaladores de recubrimientos cerámicos y la participación de firmas líderes en este segmento.

A su vez, el denominado Media Village, en los Pabellones 29 y 30, albergará los Cafés de Prensa, dedicados a la difusión de conocimientos técnicos y profesionales y nuevas tendencias; así como Cersaie designs your home (Cersaie diseña tu hogar), una iniciativa diseñada para promover el diálogo entre expositores y visitantes.

In response to the growing demand for exhibition space on the part of ceramic and bathroom furnishing companies, this year’s Cersaie is expanding to include a 16th exhibition hall. This expansion underscores the show’s international stature and the high quality of its exhibitors, who are leaders in terms of technology and market trends. Set to take place from 23 to 27 September in Bologna, Cersaie 2024 will provide visitors with exceptional opportunities to explore innovations and excellence in ceramic surfaces and bathroom furnishings, further solidifying its reputation as the premier global event for these industries.

The enduring popularity of ceramic tiles derives from their consistent production quality and the ongoing research that drives their innovation. This has led to a vast array of bold designs, ranging from delicate micro mosaics through to the innovative surfaces of large slabs. This same versatility extends to bathroom furnishings, which are available in various shapes and sizes to accommodate the needs of the disabled.

The real strength of these products lies in their enormous range of applications and their ability to meet the creative needs of architects across residential, public and commercial projects worldwide.

Choosing the most innovative and technologically advanced products is essential but not sufficient on its own to create compelling architectural spaces. It is also crucial for professionals within the supply chain to share their knowledge and stay informed about the latest trends. Cersaie offers an ideal platform for this exchange, hosting key figures from the world of architecture, industry experts and trendsetters.

Visitors to Cersaie 2024 will have the chance to follow an itinerary exploring the relationship between ceramic production and architectural space.

This year will see the launch of Spazio 19, a dedicated area within Hall 19 that complements contract furnishing spaces with a curated selection of exhibitors from related sectors such as kitchens, interior and exterior finishes, outdoor lighting, wellness, home automation, and non-ceramic flooring. This integrated space offers comprehensive solutions for professional visitors looking to expand their business opportunities.

The Architecture Gallery will host a series of conferences with leading international figures, including meetings in the exhibition centre and keynote lectures in the Palazzo dei Congressi.

Hall 32 will continue to host Tiling Town, the go-to location for technical solutions and answers to any questions industry professionals may have.

The Media Village in Mall 29 - 30 will host the Press Cafés devoted to the dissemination of technical and professional knowledge and new trends, as well as “Cersaie designs your home”, an initiative designed to promote dialogue with the general public.

Cersaie is the only global event capable of providing such a complete picture of the interaction between ceramic products and all aspects of the market, interior design and living.